How can Movement help Your Church ?
The Vision
To empower and engage young adults and a new generation of leaders to lead in every area they influence, including their local church, marketplace, community and relationships.
The Plan
Movement is a network that empowers young adults and emerging leaders through:
COMMUNITY – connecting relationally and collaborating together
CAUSE – living on mission for Christ
CALLING – fulfilling the unique God design on their lives with other like-minded emerging leaders in Open Bible and beyond

MOVEMENT is dedicated to partnering with the local church and Open Bible regions to identify and help develop young men and women who will be grounded in their church, in pursuit of God’s purpose for their lives, and learning how to serve Him in every way possible.
To accomplish this goal, we know it is important for a young generation to have connection with others their age. They don’t want to feel alone. If they attend a church with only a small number of their peers it is all the more important that we connect them with young adults from other Open Bible churches. They want to know they are part of something bigger. We refer to this sense of identity and belonging as COMMUNITY.
Research reveals that today’s young adults are very CAUSE oriented. They want to find something to which they can give themselves in order to make a difference in the world. Amen! Movement is committed to partnering with the local church to place causes before them, providing opportunity for them to prayerfully search and explore what causes would challenge them to stretch, grow, and give of themselves beyond themselves.
Movement absolutely believes that God has a CALLING for every young adult. For some, this will be in pastoral, missionary, or other vocational ministry. For others, their calling will be serving as a Christian witness in a secular field of employment. We need both vocational and marketplace ministers! Movement and the local church have a narrow window of primary opportunity for influence, to encourage and guide young adults to establish healthy and affirming Christian relationships with a sense of community that is not limited to a locale. We have opportunity to introduce and invite them to explore causes that give meaning to how God has created them. And together we challenge young adults about embracing God’s call upon their lives.
The Track
Young Adult Three-Year Development Track
1) Movement United Summits
Participation in one or two Movement United Summits
These are nationwide gatherings where community, cause, and calling are emphasized. Relationships are established or deepened. Instruction is challenging. The worshipful atmosphere is inviting. A goal is for participants to return home inspired.
2) Crews
Participation in monthly or quarterly small groups that focus on fellowship, fun, and instruction.
These are area gatherings where community, cause, and calling are emphasized and deepened. Relationships are established or deepened. Instruction is challenging. This also facilitates connection between churches.
3) Short-term Ministry
Participation in at least one short-term ministry trip where God can do a work in and through the young adult.
Short-term ministry trips can deepen relationship with the Lord and provide unique opportunities for Him to speak regarding cause and calling. A goal is for participants to return to their home churches with hearts that have been touched and challenged.
4) Internship
Participation in at least one local church internship, moving to a new level of growth in ministry.
This is where the local church can shine in leadership development. Internships can refine and clarify an awareness of calling and provide opportunity to discover cause within the framework of the local church.
5) School of Ministry
For those young adults who have a growing sense of ministerial calling, even if specifics are not yet fully defined.
Schools of ministry are where young adults dig into the Word of God with systematic intentionality while growing in relationships and definition of cause.
The Action
Please consider giving towards this mission to reach and equip the NEXT GENERATION
The Resources

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